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Jacob posted @ Sep 16, 2017 09:59:19 PM in 未分类 with tags acm C++ , 2008 阅读

       对于一个存在着标准输入输出的C++控制台程序,一般会在#include <iostream>的下一行发现一句话,using namespace std


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace ZhangSan
    int a=10; //张三把10赋值给了变量a
namespace LiSi
    int a=5; //李四把10赋值给了变量a
void main()
    int a=1;


 2. 关于using namespace *

  顾名思义,using namespace * 就表示释放命名空间* 中间的东西。好处在于我们在程序里面就不用在每个函数的头上都加上*::来调用。比如说如果上面那个程序,如果我们不在using namespace std,那么我们就需要在主函数中的标准输出流cout函数前面加上std,写成
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace ZhangSan
    int a=10; //张三把10赋值给了变量a
namespace LiSi
    int a=5; //李四把10赋值给了变量a
void main()
    int a=1;
    using namespace ZhangSan;
    using namespace LiSi;
如果我们在主函数中把 int a=1给删除,如下例2:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace ZhangSan
    int a=10; //张三把10赋值给了变量a
namespace LiSi
    int a=5; //李四把10赋值给了变量a
void main()
    using namespace ZhangSan;
    using namespace LiSi;
error C2872: “a”: 不明确的符号


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2022年8月22日 02:15

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Emma 说:
2023年1月25日 18:48

Congratulations on taking the first step to learning C++! If you are a beginner in the world of programming, C++ can be a great place to start. As one of the oldest and most popular programming languages, C++ has many advantages real property management Elkhart County that make it perfect for those just starting out. Its syntax is relatively easy to understand, and its massive library of resources makes it a great platform for advancing your coding skills. With the help of the ACM, you will have access to a number of resources to help you on your journey to becoming a C++ programmer. Good luck!

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