Input student number(n<30):
Management for Students' scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of course
3.Sort in descending order by score
4.Sort in ascending order by number
5.Search by number
6.Statistic analysis
7.List record
Please Input your choice:
Input student's ID, name and score:
11003001 87↙
11003005 98↙
11003003 75↙
11003002 48↙
11003004 65↙
11003006 100↙
Management for Students' scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of course
3.Sort in descending order by score
4.Sort in ascending order by number
5.Search by number
6.Statistic analysis
7.List record
Please Input your choice:
Management for Students' scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of course
3.Sort in descending order by score
4.Sort in ascending order by number
5.Search by number
6.Statistic analysis
7.List record
Please Input your choice:
Sort in descending order by score:
11003006 100
11003005 98
11003001 87
11003003 75
11003004 65
11003002 48
Management for Students' scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of course
3.Sort in descending order by score
4.Sort in ascending order by number
5.Search by number
6.Statistic analysis
7.List record
Please Input your choice:
Sort in ascending order by number:
11003001 87
11003002 48
11003003 75
11003004 65
11003005 98
11003006 100
Management for Students' scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of course
3.Sort in descending order by score
4.Sort in ascending order by number
5.Search by number
6.Statistic analysis
7.List record
Please Input your choice:
Input the number you want to search:
11003004 65
Management for Students' scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of course
3.Sort in descending order by score
4.Sort in ascending order by number
5.Search by number
6.Statistic analysis
7.List record
Please Input your choice:
<60 1 16.67%
60-69 1 16.67%
70-79 1 16.67%
80-89 1 16.67%
90-99 1 16.67%
100 1 16.67%
Management for Students' scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of course
3.Sort in descending order by score
4.Sort in ascending order by number
5.Search by number
6.Statistic analysis
7.List record
Please Input your choice:
11003001 87
11003002 48
11003003 75
11003004 65
11003005 98
11003006 100
Management for Students' scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of course
3.Sort in descending order by score
4.Sort in ascending order by number
5.Search by number
6.Statistic analysis
7.List record
Please Input your choice:
Input error!
Management for Students' scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of course
3.Sort in descending order by score
4.Sort in ascending order by number
5.Search by number
6.Statistic analysis
7.List record
Please Input your choice:
End of program!
( 1 )录入学生的人数:
**提示信息:"Input student number(n<30):\n"
( 2 )录入每个学生的学号和考试成绩:
**提示信息:"Input student's ID, name and score:\n"
Management for Students' scores
1.Input record
2.Caculate total and average score of course
3.Sort in descending order by score
4.Sort in ascending order by number
5.Search by number
6.Statistic analysis
7.List record
Please Input your choice:
**提示信息:"Sort in descending order by score:\n"
**提示信息:"Sort in ascending order by number:\n"
**如果未查到此学号的学生,提示信息:"Not found!\n"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 | #include"stdio.h" int input(unsigned long *p, float *q, int k) { int i,j; printf ( "Input student's ID, name and score:\n" ); for (i=0;i< k;i++) scanf ( "%ld%f" ,p+i,q+i); return 0; } int cal( float *p, int k) { int i; float sum=0,av=0; for (i=0;i< k;i++) sum+=*(p+i); av=sum/k; printf ( "sum=%.0f,aver=%.2f\n" ,sum,av); return 0; } int swap(unsigned long *p, float *q, int i, int j) { unsigned long t1; float t2; t1=*(p+i); *(p+i)=*(p+j); *(p+j)=t1; t2=*(q+i); *(q+i)=*(q+j); *(q+j)=t2; return 0; } int sortsc(unsigned long *p, float *q, int k) { int i,j,max; for (i=0;i< k-1;i++) { max=i; for (j=i+1;j< k;j++) if (*(q+j)>*(q+max)) max=j; swap(p,q,i,max); } return 0; } int sortst(unsigned long *p, float *q, int k) { int i,j,max; for (i=0;i< k-1;i++) { max=i; for (j=i+1;j< k;j++) if (*(p+j)<*(p+max)) max=j; swap(p,q,i,max); } return 0; } int sebn(unsigned long *p, float *q, int k) { unsigned long sc; int i,ans=k; printf ( "Input the number you want to search:\n" ); scanf ( "%ld" ,&sc); for (i=0;i< k;i++) if (*(p+i)==sc) ans=i; if (ans!=k) printf ( "%ld\t%.0f\n" ,*(p+ans),*(q+ans)); else printf ( "Not found!\n" ); return 0; } int stan( float *q, int k) { int num[6],i; for (i=0;i< 6;i++) num[i]=0; for (i=0;i< k;i++) { if (*(q+i)>99) {num[0]++; continue ;} if (*(q+i)>89) {num[1]++; continue ;} if (*(q+i)>79) {num[2]++; continue ;} if (*(q+i)>69) {num[3]++; continue ;} if (*(q+i)>59) {num[4]++; continue ;} {num[5]++;} } printf ( "<60\t%d\t%.2f%%\n" ,num[5],100.0*num[5]/k); printf ( "60-69\t%d\t%.2f%%\n" ,num[4],100.0*num[4]/k); printf ( "70-79\t%d\t%.2f%%\n" ,num[3],100.0*num[3]/k); printf ( "80-89\t%d\t%.2f%%\n" ,num[2],100.0*num[2]/k); printf ( "90-99\t%d\t%.2f%%\n" ,num[1],100.0*num[1]/k); printf ( "100\t%d\t%.2f%%\n" ,num[0],100.0*num[0]/k); return 0; } int main() { int n,flag=1,a,i; float sc[30]; unsigned long st[30]; printf ( "Input student number(n<30):\n" ); scanf ( "%d" ,&n); while (flag) { printf ( "Management for Students' scores\n" ); printf ( "1.Input record\n" ); printf ( "2.Caculate total and average score of course\n" ); printf ( "3.Sort in descending order by score\n" ); printf ( "4.Sort in ascending order by number\n" ); printf ( "5.Search by number\n" ); printf ( "6.Statistic analysis\n" ); printf ( "7.List record\n" ); printf ( "0.Exit\n" ); printf ( "Please Input your choice:\n" ); scanf ( "%d" ,&a); switch (a) { case 1: input(st,sc,n); break ; case 2: cal(sc,n); break ; case 3: sortsc(st,sc,n); printf ( "Sort in descending order by score:\n" ); for (i=0;i< n;i++) printf ( "%ld\t%.0f\n" ,st[i],sc[i]); break ; case 4: sortst(st,sc,n); printf ( "Sort in ascending order by number:\n" ); for (i=0;i< n;i++) printf ( "%ld\t%.0f\n" ,st[i],sc[i]); break ; case 5: sebn(st,sc,n); break ; case 6: stan(sc,n); break ; case 7: for (i=0;i< n;i++) printf ( "%ld\t%.0f\n" ,st[i],sc[i]); break ; case 0: flag=0; printf ( "End of program!\n" ); break ; default : printf ( "Input error!\n" ); } } return 0; } |
二月 | ||||||
日 | 一 | 二 | 三 | 四 | 五 | 六 |
26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 1 |
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 1 |
2022年8月17日 20:50
New Question Papers & New Model Papers for the Bihar Board's 10th Grade for 2023 Common & Private, Good news! Students who failed last year's exams can get their BSEB 10th Matric Important Question Paper 2023 from either our website or the Bihar board's official web domain. Here, we're going to give you all the information about the Bihar Class 10 Exam Paper. Bihar Board 10th Question Paper 2023 For high school students, the Bihar Secondary Examination will administer tests in the fields of Science, Arts, and Commerce. Additionally, it administers a number of departmental exams, including the Teacher Training Examination and the Diploma in Physical Education.